Droughts, Drops and “Dearness”..

This has been an interesting week, mentally. A few days ago I was looking back in pictures I took a year ago, showing the effects of the drought on one of my childhood hangouts... My friend and I had gone on a hike, and ended up staring at what at one time was a popular …

Trekking the Volcano: Hiking Sibley Volcanic Preserve

This post was originally written in October 2011, but never published. The roots of the trees formed steps into the heavily wooded area known as Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve. I had been looking forward to coming here, having passed it the last time I was in the area looking for somewhere to hike. I knew …

Starting the Year in Nature…

This year I decided it was time to upgrade my camera. Found a great deal on a Canon Rebel, and am suffering no buyer's remorse (ok, maybe a little). I'm actually pretty excited - not that my other camera was no good, but this one is much better. I didn't get the opportunity to celebrate …

Hiking in the Huckleberries

Today I felt out of sorts. Not sure why, but I felt like I needed to get out and experience nature. The question was, where to go? I did a quick check of the East Bay Regional Parks, and chose the Huckleberry Botanical Regional Preserve.  I could have chosen anywhere, but the little I read …

1 Pic = 1K Words…

That's what they say, anyway. For a wordsmith, however I begin to wonder. I think that pictures prompt a thousand words. I see stories in every picture, emotion in every image, expression in each icon. In any case, I had the off-opportunity to take some pictures of nature today. Each tells its own story, and …

What I did on the day the world ended…

It's 7:28pm. According to a numerologist, the Rapture and beginning of the great Tribulation should have happened about 90 minutes ago. There was no great earthquake which was supposed to be the big sign, and no reports of the faithful disappearing all over the world. I could use this post to theorize on the whole …