A Father’s Day Retrospective

This is a little late, but still worth the post . Two weeks ago was Father's day. I don't know about all fathers, but for me, sometimes Father's day can be difficult. I don't live with my kids anymore, and they are grown, living their own lives and stuff. When I do see them I often go through …

Memories and Tough Love

I wanted to do a Memorial Day post... well, I wanted to, and I didn't. This year it is different for me, having a son in the service. Over the past few months since he got back from training, we've had some interesting conversations about military service, deployment, and other such topics. When I came …

“Why” is the question… “What” is the answer…

 When my daughter was about 5 years old, we stopped into a fast food place. Next to us in line was a young guy, early 20's, leathered up with a spikey mohawk.  To see that now is no big deal - I see 8 year olds sporting the Do, but then it was pretty risque'. Anyway, …