Not Just an “A”. So Much More…

Not too long ago, I had the opportunity to accompany one of my best friends to Beijing, China for 2 weeks of... well, a lot of hanging out and doing nothing 😉 . We had certain expectations going in that he would be busy for a good part of the day, but we would have …

2016 – The Empty Canvas

This morning I woke up to silence. The hoopla of the night was over. Revelry had given way to sleep. It was in some ways disconcerting… The excitement of the new year had turned into “ok, it’s here… now what?” I had been speaking with my best friend about seasons, and how it can seem …

A Long Ride, A Hot Rod, and A Cool Tune..

This past weekend I was driving home from a mission of love and mercy… bringing a cat back to his adoring family. My ride up to the Pacific Northwest was filled with a “meow” about every 2 seconds (you can do the math… the cat should have had laryngitis by the time I got there …

The Things I Learn From Turbulence

I think I fly more than the average bear (for those of you too young to get the reference, go to YouTube and find Yogi Bear… it’ll be fun 🙂 ). Whether across the country for work or overseas for missions, I log a lot of miles in the sky. You would think I would …

Destination: Destiny

Muslims have Mecca. Jews, Israel. Long distance runners head to the Boston Marathon. There are events and places, pilgrimages, that we use to help define us. Maybe they don’t so much define us, but give us something to shoot for that is outside of our norm. These events and places challenge us, cause us to …